Apple’s HomeKit platform allows administrators to easily and securely share home and product control with their friends and family. The admin can share the home to individuals by inviting them with their Apple ID, which allows for the highest level of security. Only individuals invited to share a home can have access to control the products.
Once invited, shared users have access to the home through the iDevices Connected app. This includes home and products, rooms, scenes, and automations. Shared users will not see any custom photos within the app.
Shared users do have the ability to invite or remove additional users to the home, however they will not have privileges to remove the original admin of the home.
All users will have the ability to control the home remotely.
The admin will always have full access to the home and products and can remove invited users at any time.
Click here to learn how to invite a new user to the home: Share Control of your Accessories on iOS