Before pairing the iDevices product to your Wi-Fi® network, ensure that your Wi-Fi network is running on a 2.4 GHz b/g/n Wi-Fi band and using either None, WPA or WPA2 network security with AES encryption. If you have multiple wireless networks such as a guest network, a 2.4 GHz network, and a 5 GHz network, please connect your phone or tablet to the 2.4 GHz network for initial setup. iDevices products can't be set up on guest networks. Download the latest version of the iDevices Connected app here:

Android Setup:
In this example setup, we’ll be using an iDevices Switch. The setup process is similar for each iDevices product.
Note: If the Thermostat display shows "Connecting to Network," visit: Display Shows Connecting to Network
1. Please ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your Android device. Bluetooth is used to pair your Android device and Smart Home product.
2. Please ensure Wi-Fi is enabled on your Android device. After pairing is complete, all communication between your Android device and the iDevices product is done via Wi-Fi.
3. Make a note of your Wi-Fi network name and password for later in the setup process.
4. Locate and launch the iDevices Connected app, if this is your first iDevices product you will be walked through setting up your home.
5. Tap "Setup Now" to sync the home data to a chosen Google account.
6. Add your Home Location. This allows the iDevices Connected app to get an estimated energy cost for your area if your iDevices product supports Energy Reporting.
7. Select the device you are adding to the iDevices Connected app and confirm the product is ready to be set up. Then, tap “Yes, I am Ready.” The iDevices Connected app may walk you through additional steps to determine the product is ready to set up.
8. The app will locate any products in range of your Android device. Tap the product in the app and confirm the product identified itself, tap "Yes" to continue. If you did not see the product identify itself, tap "No" and select another device.
9. The iDevices Connected app will begin the pairing process to the product. Hold your Android phone or tablet within 1 inch of the product, as the app uses Bluetooth proximity to establish the initial connection.
10. Choose the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network your Android device is connected to and enter the password. Then, tap "Next" to connect the product to your Wi-Fi network.
11. After the Wi-Fi connection is complete, the app will walk you through running any necessary firmware updates.
12. Next, the iDevices Connected app will walk you through setting the product name, photo, and any additional customizations for your specific product.
13. The setup is complete – you can now use your product!
Note: After changing modes, there is a standard 5-7 minute delay before the Thermostat will call for heating or cooling to protect the compressor for air conditioners and heat pump systems. During this time, the setpoint on the Thermostat display will show in black. Once the delay has passed and the Thermostat calls for heating or cooling, the setpoint will show in red for heating or blue for cooling.