Connect your iDevices products with the Google Assistant to control your smart home with direct actions and voice commands. Below are some examples of supported commands:
Supported Google Assistant Voice Commands:
"Ok Google, turn on/off the [product name]"
"Ok Google, turn on/off the lights" (If product has been assigned the Light Service in the iDevices Connected app or if the name includes Light/Lamp)
"Ok Google, turn on the [room name]” (If products have been organized into rooms in the Google Home app)
"Ok Google, turn on/off lights in [room name]"
Dimming features available with Socket and Dimmer Switch:
"Ok Google, dim the [Product name]"
"Ok Google, brighten the [Product name]"
"Ok Google, set [Product name] to 50%"
"Ok Google, dim/Brighten [Product name] by 50%"
Supported Thermostat Commands:
"Ok Google, turn on auto mode"
"Ok Google, turn on heat mode"
"Ok Google, turn off thermostat"
"Ok Google, set the cool to 68"
"Ok Google, set the [Thermostat name] to 70"
"Ok Google, raise/lower the temp 2 degrees"
"Ok Google, make it cooler"
Get the status of iDevices Products with the Google Assistant:
"Ok Google, what lights/switches are on?"
"Ok Google, are my lights/switches on?”
"Ok Google, what’s the thermostat set to?"
"Ok Google, what’s the humidity for [Thermostat name]?"